My Story
Write. Create. Collaborate.
Singing in a choir welcoming Nelson Mandela in an arena full of children. Witnessing the funerary celebration of a Bamileke chiefdom in Cameroon. Performing in a château in the South of France. Participating in a telescope observation run with professional astronomers.
These are some of the experiences that shaped who I am today. And they all have something in common: they happened because of some form of collaboration.
I wouldn’t have taken part in Nelson Mandela’s welcome if I hadn’t been in a choir in high school. My family moved to Cameroon for a year so my mother could train teachers in new technical colleges. Practising physical theatre with a company called Pantheatre led to my performance at the Roy Hart Centre, located in a French château. And I participated in an observation run to inform my work with artists and scientists.
That’s why I love to write, create, and collaborate. It takes us beyond our imagination.

A Montreal-based writer and interdisciplinary artist, I’m bilingual in English and French. I'm currently directing the creation of High Z, an immersive performance based on the discovery of the accelerating universe. I'm also writing a new opera with composer Margareta Jeric, with an upcoming preview presentation at the Canadian Opera Company Four Seasons Centre.
As a freelance writer, I recently collaborated with GSM Project, Julie Vallée-Léger, and on the creation of the Sally Hemings Exhibit at Monticello. I’ve also written a dozen original theatre works and collaborated on the translation of a number of books and articles. My plays have been seen at the Horace Mann Theater (New York, NY), the Dream Up Festival (New York, NY), and Nextfest (Edmonton, AB).
Currently Vice-President on the Board of Directors at Playwrights’ Workshop Montréal, I was a member of their 2014-2016 Interdisciplinary Unit (Project M45). I’m a recipient of the Mécénat Musica Prix 3 Femmes, the Gloria Mitchell-Aleong Award, and the Shubert Presidential Fellowship. I hold an MFA in Playwriting from Columbia University.